Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Georgia. Show all posts

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Things we need:

'Bouncer' : someone beefy.
'DJ' : Georgia?
Loads of people: facebook event?
Nice car and driver: tbc
Lights (differnt colours etc): tbc
Music (someones ipod): anyone
Bubbles? tbc
Fog machine? tbc
Sexy costumes: everyone
Signs: to be made by us in lesson?

Shot ideas.

These are a few shot ideas of our locations.

This is the door behind the sports hall- it will be the entrance door to our club as it is easy to pull a car up to it too.

 Another shot of the 'entrance' door.

 This is the door to the dance studio, there were people in a lesson so we couldnt get a picture of the inside of it. we may consider other lpcations for the dancing though as the floor of the dance studio is quite slippery.

This may be our althernative dance area (without chairs)
There are room dividing curtains to we wouldnt have to get as many people to fill up the 'club'. 

There are 'nightclub,' rope thingys in the main hall that we could use outside the 'club,' letting people in with a bouncer. 

Maybe a shot on the stairs? 

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