Wednesday 19 October 2011

The Day Of Shooting: (Day 1 and Day 2)

On day 1 of shooting we had many responsibilities to fulfill. This included splitting the group into two and taking on responsibilities to ensure the music video shooting was successful. This included two members to go over to the gym and ask for the back doors to be open because we needed the doors to be open to create the back of a club scene.
The other two had to go over to the main hall and ask for permission to use the college hall red carpet poles that are usually seen outside a club when the bouncer lets people in. After being permitted to borrow the ropes we then had to take them over to the gym.

We also had to ask our media teacher to help us by contributing to the scenes, this involved using her car. We needed her to drive up the car to the gym the members of the group had to film the main character coming out of the car and also a car generally pulling up in-front of a club-this was the initial idea we created.

On Day 2 of shooting, we had to go over to the dark room and set up the lights in the dark room. We needed extra people in the video so we asked a few girls in our media class to help out a background dancers to enhance the idea of a girls night out in a club. We shot a verity of shots including close up lip syncing shots and also an over view of a typical scence of a girl dancing with a guy in a club.

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